Organizations with the strongest, most resilient branding manage their communication from all angles, sculpting contours for a narrative that balances one mission with many stakeholders. DRAFT works with businesses and nonprofits of all sizes, helping them craft messaging that’s as strategic as it is immediately effective. Our services can be pulled from these general categories separately or in customized packaging for long-term communication planning.
Got a project? Thinking about a project? Wondering if you should be thinking of a project?
Corporate Messaging
In truth, it all hinges on quality messaging. Everything. At best, your PR plan will limp along if it’s choked by slapdash style or an erratic voice that fails to connect with your audience. Your brand strategy will never live up to its potential if its language isn’t intentional and meaningful, if it isn’t necessary.
While we generally eschew convention here at DRAFT, this category pulls from services that present organizations’ narratives in time-honored ways, from annual reports, case studies and collateral, to executive communication and speeches.
“The secret of being boring is to say everything”
Public Relations
How well a brand connects with people is its primary marker for success, but too many companies relegate PR to the realm of press releases and media mentions.
You’re more than that. So much more.
But to really capture then capitalize on PR’s momentum, organizations must embrace the multiple aspects that combine for robust PR. DRAFT helps you with that gamut, including media strategy, press releases, product launches and rollout strategies, and talking points.
“Be generous, be delicate, and always pursue the prize.”
Brand Strategy
More than a logo, a tagline or even a name, a brand is everything an organization is and aspires to be. A brand is real and perceived, and ultimately, it lives or dies by how those two aspects either align or don’t in the minds of its consumers. DRAFT guides companies through all aspects of the language-driven branding process, helping them look at themselves with the perspective of their clients then identify what’s most important. This includes communication strategy, content assessment and strategy, collateral assessment and plan development, as well as mission, vision and tagline development.
“Those who tell the stories rule the world.”